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Robert J. Samuelson,
Published: January 19The baffling Bitcoin
boom is either an exercise in self-delusion — a high-tech Ponzi scheme
that will come crashing down — or an imaginative new Internet technology
that could change how millions of people around the world conduct
everyday business. There is little middle ground.
Called a “digital currency,” Bitcoin originated in early 2009 with a software program written by Satoshi Nakamoto.
Who is Nakamoto? Good question. It’s a pseudonym, and we don’t know
who’s behind it — whether man or woman; individual or group; American,
Japanese, Russian or some other nationality. But what seems clear is
that Nakamoto owns bitcoins worth “hundreds of millions of dollars,” says Jerry Brito, an analyst at the Mercatus Center of George Mason University and a Bitcoin enthusiast.
You can do two things with bitcoins: buy stuff, just as with
traditional money; and hold them as an investment or speculation, hoping
their price will rise.
Some shopping does occur with bitcoins.
The first retail transaction is usually attributed to Laszlo Hanyecz, a
computer programmer in Florida, who in May 2010 persuaded someone to
order two pizzas for him in exchange for 10,000 bitcoins. Recently, — an online retailer — agreed to accept bitcoins; the Sacramento Kings basketball team will do likewise. According to, about 2,600 stores and businesses worldwide accept bitcoins, with concentrations in Western Europe, California and New York.
Still, bitcoins today are mainly a financial gamble. They’re traded on electronic exchanges, where price swings have been mind-blowing. When Hanyecz bought his pizzas, bitcoins were perhaps worth less than a penny each. In late 2013, prices exceeded $1,000.
Short-term variations are enormous. Here’s one stretch in 2013: On
April 6, the price was $142.63; on April 16, $68.36; on April 30,
$139.23, according to data from Prices now bounce between
$800 and $900. At $800, Hanyecz’s pizzas would cost $8 million.
Basic economics teaches that money serves three roles:
● a medium of exchange, buying and selling;
● a store of value, something whose stability protects wealth;
● a unit of account, a way to price goods and services.
wild price fluctuations seem disqualifying on all counts. A business
that accepts bitcoins takes an immediate risk that the funds will lose 5
percent or 10 percent of their worth before they can be converted into
traditional money (dollars, euros, yen). By this logic, retail uses will
remain limited. For similar reasons, bitcoins flunk as a store of value
and unit of account.
What has boosted bitcoins’ price is speculative mania and specific events that increased demand. Cyprus’s financial crisis in 2013 reportedly caused European investors to convert euros into bitcoins as a way of evading controls on moving money abroad. Prices rose when Baidu
— China’s Google — said it would accept bitcoins in some situations.
Because it’s hard to identify owners, bitcoins may also lubricate crime,
money-laundering and tax evasion. Bitcoins were used on “Silk Road,” a Web site that peddled illegal drugs.
skeptics (including this writer), Bitcoin seems a collapse waiting to
happen. There’s nothing behind it except clever programming. It’s
extremely vulnerable to hostile government actions. Baidu reversed its decision after China’s central bank criticized Bitcoin; Germany’s Bundesbank has done likewise. The FBI pierced Silk Road’s anonymity and shut it down. Could bitcoins be worth $80 or 80 cents instead of $800?
Hold it, retort Bitcoin’s defenders. The standard “bubble” analogy distorts Bitcoin’s technology and potential.
It won’t replace the dollar or the euro, says Brito of the Mercatus Center. Instead, Bitcoin represents a payments technology
that competes with Visa and PayPal. Against these, he says, Bitcoin has
some huge theoretical advantages. Except for cash, most payment systems
require a middleman (usually a bank) to move funds from the buyer’s
account to the seller’s account. By contrast, buyers and sellers of
bitcoins deal directly with each other. Bitcoins are deposited
automatically in the seller’s electronic “wallet.” Savings could be
sizable, Brito says.
Jeremy Allaire
is chief executive of Circle Internet Financial, a start-up company
striving to commercialize Bitcoin. With time, he thinks Bitcoin’s price
volatility will subside or be hedged. He says that Bitcoin’s frantic
trading is not just mindless speculation. “People are making a bet,” he
says. The bet is that Bitcoin will emerge as a global payment platform
operating through smartphones, tablets and other devices. If Bitcoin
captures even a small share of the multitrillion-dollar global payment
market, its current price will be dramatically undervalued, he says.
There are now about 12 million bitcoins; the underlying software is supposed to stop production at 21 million.
is an era when technologists are leading us in directions that neither
they nor we fully understand. That’s why it’s so hard to know whether
Bitcoin represents constructive innovation — or just another
old-fashioned swindle.
This has been a big week for Bitcoin. On Monday, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs held the first-ever Congressional hearing on Bitcoin. Later in the day, the currency's value reached an all-time high of more than $800.
That has left a lot of people scratching their heads. What's Bitcoin?
How do you use it? And why would anyone want to? Read on for answers.
(Inspired by Max Fisher's classic explainer on Syria)
1. What's Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is an online financial network that people use to send
payments from one person to another. In many ways, Bitcoin is similar to
conventional payment networks like Visa credit cards or Paypal. But
Bitcoin is different from those and other payment networks in two
important ways.
First, Bitcoin is decentralized. For-profit companies own the Visa
and Paypal networks and manage them for the benefit of their respective
shareholders. No one owns or controls the Bitcoin network. It has a
peer-to-peer structure, with hundreds of computers all over the Internet
working together to process Bitcoin transactions.
Bitcoin's decentralized architecture means that it is the world's
first completely open financial network. To create a new financial
service in the conventional U.S. banking system, you need to partner
with an existing bank and comply with a variety of complex rules. The
Bitcoin network has no such restrictions. People don't need anyone's
permission or assistance to create new Bitcoin-based financial services.
The second thing that makes the Bitcoin unique is that it comes with
its own currency. Paypal and Visa conduct transactions in conventional
currencies such as the U.S. dollars. The Bitcoin network, however,
conducts transactions in a new monetary unit, also called Bitcoin.
2. That seems really weird! Why would anyone use a payment network based on an imaginary currency?
It is weird. Almost everyone who encounters the idea for the first
time (including me) has the same reaction: That can't possibly work. But
so far the market has proved the skeptics wrong:
This graph shows the price of one Bitcoin since the start of 2011,
when the currency began to adopt mainstream attention. The price has
been extraordinarily volatile -- it lost more than 90 percent of its
value between June and October 2011, for example. But there's also been
an unmistakable upward trend. Notice that the chart is on a logarithmic
scale. It shows the currency's value rising from around $0.30 at the
start of 2011 to around $600 today. There are almost 12 million bitcoins
in existence, so the Bitcoin "money supply" is now worth around $7
Bitcoin has captured the imagination of venture capitalists. A
startup called Bitpay, which processes Bitcoin payments on behalf of
vendors, raised more than $2 million earlier this year. Coinbase, a startup that helps consumers buy and sell bitcoins, has raised $5 million. And last month, a Bitcoin startup called Circle raised $9 million.
Why are people so excited? Bitcoin enthusiasts believe that Bitcoin's
peer-to-peer architecture and low barriers to entry will allow the
creation of a new generation of innovative financial services, in much
the same way that the Internet's open architecture led to innovative new
online services. There are also many Bitcoin fans who see the currency
as an antidote to the inflationary tendencies of central banks, though, as we'll see later, this argument for Bitcoin is misguided.
3. This just sounds like a bubble. Do people use the currency for anything besides speculation?
I just mentioned Bitpay. It provides a good sign of Bitcoin's growing
popularity for "real" transactions. In September 2012, the company announced
that it had signed up 1,000 merchants to use its service for accepting
Bitcoin payments. Just a year later, the company said, it passed 10,000 merchants.
Bitpay works with a wide variety of merchants. Some sell online
services like Web hosting or virtual private networks. Others sell
jewelry and electronics. There are even restaurants and cupcake shops
that sell their wares for bitcoins.
And yes, Bitcoin has significant illicit uses. Programs like Satoshi Dice allow people to gamble online. Until recently, a Web site called Silk Road helped dealers sell millions of dollars of illicit drugs.
It's hardly unusual for new payment technologies to attract illicit
use. Pornography was a big draw for both the first VCRs and the early
consumer Internet. New payment technologies often attract criminals
looking for new ways to move their funds without government scrutiny.
Another application for bitcoins that is expected to become more
important in the future is international payments. Right now, wiring
money internationally involves slow, expensive and inconvenient services
like Western Union. Bitcoin is international, and its fees can be much
lower than conventional wire transfer services. There's still work to be
done to make such a system affordable and user-friendly. But it has the
potential to disrupt the international payment industry.
4. Who created Bitcoin?
No one knows for sure. The currency was created by a person who
indentified himself as "Satoshi Nakamoto." While the name sounds
Japanese, Bitcoin's creator never provided any personal details. He
collaborated with other early Bitcoin fans through online forums but
never met with other members of the Bitcoin community face to face.
Then, starting in 2010 he gradually reduced his involvement in the
currency's development. His last known communication came in 2011.
We don't know who Satoshi Nakamoto is, but we do know that if he ever
surfaces, he will be an extremely wealthy man. Millions of bitcoins
were created in the currency's first two years, and Satoshi likely owns hundreds of thousands of them. At today's prices, he would be a millionaire many times over.
Before leaving the scene, Nakamoto passed his torch to a
mild-mannered developer named Gavin Andressen, who is currently the
project's lead developer. Andressen now works under the auspices of the
Bitcoin Foundation, the closest thing the anarchic Bitcoin community has
to an official public face.
5. Where do bitcoins come from?
In a conventional financial system, new money is created by a central
bank, such as the Federal Reserve. But the Bitcoin network doesn't have
a central bank. So the system needed an alternative mechanism for
introducing currency into circulation.
Bitcoin's designer solved this problem in a clever way. As I said
above, hundreds of computers scattered around the Internet work together
to process Bitcoin transactions. These computers are called "miners,"
and Bitcoin's transaction-clearing process is called "mining." It's
called that because every 10 minutes, on average, a Bitcoin miner wins a
computational race and gets a prize. Currently, that reward is 25
bitcoins, worth around $12,500. These prizes provide a strong incentive
for more people to join in Bitcoin's transaction-clearing process,
helping the currency to remain decentralized.
This reward declines on a fixed schedule: Every four years the reward
falls by half. So, from 2009 to 2012, it was 50 BTC, now it's 25 BTC,
and starting in late 2016 it will fall to 12.5 BTC, and so forth. If you
do the math, you'll find that there will never be more than 21 million
bitcoins in circulation. Right now, there are almost 12 million bitcoins
in ciruclation, so the Bitcoin money supply will never be more than
twice its current size.
6. Isn't that a huge problem? I learned in economics class that deflation can cause economic problems.
It's true that deflation has traditionally been associated with
economic problems, but there's little reason to think this will be a
problem for Bitcoin. That's because deflation is only a problem if it is
what economists call a "unit of account" for a nation's economic
Right now in the United States, salaries, mortgage payments, rents
and other long-term financial commitments are priced in U.S. dollars. As
a result, if the value of the dollar rises unexpectedly, these "sticky
prices" can cause severe economic distortions. Unable to cut wages,
employers have trouble making payrolls. Unable to renegotiate their
debts, homeowners have trouble making their mortgage payments. Tenants
get stuck with rents they can't afford. The result is a recession.
Hardly anyone uses Bitcoin as a unit of account. You'd be insane to
sign a contract promising to repay a loan of 100 BTC in 10 years or to
take a job where your salary was priced in bitcoins. Even the Bitcoin
Foundation, which pays its employees in bitcoins, still sets its
employees' salaries in dollars, converting employees' dollar-based
salaries into the corresponding number of bitcoins on each payday. As a
result, fluctuations in the value of bitcoins don't cause the kinds of
economic disruptions that fluctuations in the value of traditional
currencies do.
7. How do I get bitcoins?
One option is to mine them yourself, but that's not a good choice for
beginners. For everyone else, your best bet is to purchase them with a
conventional currency. Web sites known as exchanges will let you trade
bitcoins for conventional currencies with other users. Even more
convenient are companies like Coinbase, which will withdraw cash from
your bank account and convert it to bitcoins at the current exchange
rate. A few Bitcoin ATMs are popping up, which will directly trade paper money for Bitcoins. Here's a video of someone using a Bitcoin ATM in Vancouver:
8. Okay, I bought some Bitcoins. Now what?
Next you'll need a place to store them. Bitcoins are stored in
"wallets," which in this case are just files that contain encryption
keys, or secret codes that allow you to transfer your bitcoins to other
people. There are several options. One is to store them yourself using
one of the Bitcoin programs available for Mac, PC and Android.
Another option is to entrust them to a third-party Web site known as a "online wallet."
A third option is what's known as a "paper wallet," where you print
out your encryption keys and store them in a safe place, such as a safe
deposit box.
Each has risks. If you choose to store your bitcoins yourself, then
you could lose them to a hacker, a hard drive crash or a lost mobile
device. But if you choose to use a third party, you need to worry about
that third party swindling you or becoming bankrupt. The Bitcoin market
is largely unregulated, so there are few legal protections if you happen
to choose the wrong online wallet service. Paper wallets avoid the
pitfalls of other methods, but they're tricky to set up correctly, and
of course you're out of luck if you lose the piece of paper.
9. Okay, I have some bitcoins and found a secure way to keep them. What do I do with them now?
There are thousands of Bitcoin merchants online who will sell you
everything from jewelry to electronics to illegal drugs. You can also
spend bitcoins in "real life." To spend them in person, you need a
Bitcoin mobile app. Generally, the store you're buying from will show
you a QR code
representing the Bitcoin transaction. You then scan that QR code with
your phone, and the mobile app will send the required number of bitcoins
to the store. Then you walk out the door with your purchases.
Of course, right now
the options for face-to-face Bitcoin transactions are rather limited.
Earlier this year, Kashmir Hill of Forbes lived on Bitcoin
for a week. Because she lived in tech-savvy San Francisco, she was able
to find enough Bitcoin-accepting merchants to get by, but just barely.
So Bitcoin is far from being a practical currency for day-to-day use.
10. Should I buy bitcoins?
Probably not. There are two reasons you might want to buy bitcoins: to purchase goods and services or for speculation.
Right now Bitcoin isn't a very practical payment technology for
ordinary users. The software is too complicated, and the risk of loss
due to hackers, forgotten passwords, hard drive failures and so forth
are too large. Also, Bitcoin is extremely volatile right now, so your
wallet could go from having $100 worth of Bitcoins one day to $50 the
next. And right now, as Hill discovered, the technology just isn't used
widely enough to make it a useful option to have in your pocket or
purse. For most people, conventional payment technologies like credit
cards are going to be more convenient.
What about speculating on Bitcoin? Once again, the currency probably
isn't a good choice for ordinary users. The security and reliability
risks of Bitcoin loom much larger if you invest thousands of dollars in
the currency. You don't want to run the risk of losing thousands of
dollars because you forgot a password or had an unexpected password
failure. And the currency is extremely volatile. It might keep going up,
but it could also lose 90 percent of its value next week. In other
words, you should only jump on the bandwagon if you have a strong
11. If people shouldn't buy bitcoins, then what is all the fuss about?
Once again, the analogy to the Internet is instructive. Until the
1990s, the Internet wasn't a practical technology for ordinary folks to
use, either. It used complicated text-based programs, and you had to be a
computer expert to use it effectively.
But it would have been foolish for an observer in 1990 to dismiss the
Internet as too nerdy for mainstream use. Over time, entrepreneurs took
the basic infrastructure of the Internet and built innovative and
user-friendly online services such as Google, Facebook and YouTube.
Bitcoin boosters are betting that the same will happen with Bitcoin.
The "raw" bitcoin network isn't very accessible, but startups like
Coinbase and Bitpay are slowly fixing that. Some day soon, someone may
develop Bitcoin's "killer app," a program that provides a financial
service that has clear advantages over conventional banking. That might
be an international money-transfer network with lower fees, a practical
system for online micropayments, or something else that no one has
thought of before.
12. Could bitcoins ever replace conventional money?
It's possible, but it doesn't seem very likely. People want to use
the currency that most other people use, and in the United States that's
going to be US dollars for the foreseeable future. And that's a good
thing: if Bitcoin became the standard currency of the US economy, then
its fixed money supply would create a serious risk of the next economic
downturn snowballing into a depression.
However, there could be a lot of room for Bitcoin to complement
conventional financial networks. After all, Paypal gained traction
because the conventional financial networks of the day weren't meeting
all of users' needs. Bitcoin's open architecture could allow it to be
even more disruptive. People are unlikely to ever eschew conventional
financial networks altogether, but there could be a substantial market
for Bitcoin-based services that perform certain services more
effectively or affordable than conventional alternatives.
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